
council chamber 會議室。

council house

The magnificent hall posses 96 luxurious guestrooms per set . it includes chinese food dining room , tea bar and various kinds of repast mezzanines . the hotel also includes large council chamber , small council chamber , commercial center , chess and card room , feetbath , hairdressing and markets . it equipped with center air - conditioning , integrated wiring , the computer management system , international 酒店大堂富麗堂皇,擁有豪華客房96間套。設有中餐廳茶吧及風格各異的餐飲包廂。酒店同時設有大小會議室及商務中心棋牌室足浴美容美發商場等配套設施。

Keep innovative idea megagame beginning of that in memory , be in the chair with examination questions when arranging me , do not have experience ' s i find careless , generation increases , zhang yi , chen xia four come from the schoolmate who is unlike an academy , have looked for every suggesting that as soon as thin out a council chamber as for start all sorts of gossip 還記得創意大賽之初,當主席把題目布置我的時候,沒有經驗的我找到了馬虎、代增、張藝、陳霞四個來自不同學院的同學,找了一間會議室就開始七嘴八舌的提出各自的想法了;沒有報酬,在繁忙學業之中抽出自己寶貴的時間支持著我的工作,默默地為俱樂部的發展作出自己的貢獻。

124 well - designed commercial guest rooms include a variety of fashionable contracted standard rooms , economic comfortable king - size bed rooms and spacious valued advanced king - size bed rooms . all rooms are equipped with excellent bed necessaries , free high speed internet service , pleasant shower equipment , plenty satellite tv , fashionable contracted washroom and so on . it also offers council chamber and leisure commercial chamber . han ting hotel - waitan , waiting to provide you with careful and polite service . let you omnibearing enjoy the special inventive mind and unique charm from the hotel 上海漢庭酒店連鎖-外灘店擁有精心設計的商務客房124間,包括時尚簡約的標準房經濟舒適的大床房寬敞尊貴的高級大床房。客房提供優質的床上用品免費高速寬帶上網舒適的淋浴設備豐富的衛星電視節目時尚簡約的衛生間等。并設有會議室休閑商務會所。

However , i do believe that dressing properly in council chamber is showing respect to the council and my own position as a councillor . if we as councillors cannot make people feel that we respect the council how can we expect other people to do so 不過,話說回來,我心底下還是相信,在議事堂穿得莊重得體,是表示對議會的一份尊重,也是尊重自己議員的身份如果我們身為議員也不能讓人們感到我們尊重議會,那么我們憑什么要求別人尊重議會呢?

The university of hong kong libraries hkul is playing host to the e - book challenges and developments 2006 : a global perspective symposium on 21 - 22 september 2006 in council chamber , 8 f , meng wah complex , university of hong kong , pokfulam road 由香港大學圖書館主辦的從全球角度看電子書的挑戰與發展研討會將于2006年9月21 - 22日,假香港薄扶林道香港大學明華綜合大樓校務會議廳舉行。

Members of the public are welcome to observe the proceedings of the meeting from the public galleries of the legislative council chamber . they may reserve seats by calling 2869 9399 during office hours . seats will be allocated on a first - come - first - served basis 歡迎市民在立法會大樓會議廳公眾席旁聽會議,如欲預留座位旁聽會議,則可在辦公時間內致電2869 9399 ,座位先到先得。

This programme complemented the more formal and structured discussions in the legislative council chamber and enabled senior staff of the hkma to improve communications and exchange views with legislative councillors on a wide range of topical issues 這項工作與立法會按議程規范的正式會議互相配合,讓金管局高層人員有機會就廣泛系列的事項與立法會議員交換意見,加強溝通。

Photos of my floral skirt and sandals appeared in newspapers accompanied by vivid descriptions , prompting many of my friends to telephone me and asked how could i have entered the solemnly council chamber dressed like that 我穿著花裙子和涼鞋的照片刊在報張上,還配上一段俏皮的描述,令不少朋友都打電話來問我,怎會如此裝束就進入莊嚴肅穆的議會殿堂?

Seated in the throne of the president , you are a composed and stately figure , where i , in comparison , could not even sit tight as you know , i was always going in and out of the council chamber 主席女士,很多議員也具備參加直選的條件,主席女士,我認為你便是其中一位,你坐在主席的寶座上,非常淡定,有威嚴,而我連坐也坐不定

Opened on 15 january , 1912 , the former supreme court was converted in 1985 to house the legislative council chambers . the two - storey granite structure is neoclassical in style . not open to the public 舊最高法院坐落于中環填海區,外觀氣派不凡,是區內的地標之一于1912年,由當時總督盧押爵士宣告正式啟用。

Members of the public are welcome to observe the proceedings of the meeting from the public galleries of the legislative council chamber . they may reserve seats by calling 2869 9399 during office hours 索取上述會議的議程如欲預留座位旁聽會議,可于辦公時間內致電2869 9399 ,座位先到先得。

The old supreme court which has housed the legislative council chambers since 1985 , was built on reclaimed land using hundreds of chinese fir - tree piles as foundations 舊最高法院坐落于填海區,屋基由數以百計的杉樹樁組成,于一九一二年一月十五日由當時總督盧押爵士宣告正式啟用。

Following is the transcript english portion of remarks by executive council member mr leung chun - ying at a media session at the legislative council chamber today january 7 另外同時是立法會議員的兩位(曾鈺成議員及周梁淑怡議員)會與他們的黨團一起向大家談他們的意見。

I entered the solemn legislative council chamber for the first time as a councillor . the first item on the agenda was the swearing - in of new councillors 第一次以議員的身分走進莊嚴的立法局會議大廳,我的思緒完全來不及整理,便進入議程第一項,新的議員宣誓就職。

The multifunctional council chamber , may accommodate an up to a hundred people at the same time , provide all - direction convention service , need satisfying you at any time 多功能會議室,可同時容納上百人,提供全方位會議服務,隨時滿足您的需求。

Yes , sir , ned lambert said heartily . we are standing in the historic council chamber of saint mary s abbey where silken thomas proclaimed himself a rebel in 1534 “是啊,神父, ”內德蘭伯特熱切地說, “如今咱們正站在圣瑪麗修道院的會議廳里。

During 2000 we continued to enjoy productive relations with legislators , both inside the council chamber and in our less formal contacts 在2000年內,我們與立法會議員繼續在議事廳內外保持良好的合作關系。

The 2000 - 01 budget speech by the financial secretary , mr donald tsang , in the legislative council chamber on march 8 , 2000 政務司司長陳方安生在懲教署周年會操上的致辭全文(一月二十八日)

Where was the marshal , he wanted to know , to keep order in the council chamber 182他倒是想知道,市政典禮官究竟哪兒去啦, 183怎么不來維持一下市政委員會會場上的秩序。